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Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Bradford, VT. are problems that can be resolved in the community with the help of treatment centers in the area. Alcohol is abused daily in society today, and addiction and alcoholism has become acceptable and a way of life for many.
It is easy for someone in Bradford, Vermont who is having a hard time in life, or who is insecure maybe, to use alcohol as a crutch to get them through the day or to ease social situations. This can become a problem if the person doesn't know how to control their alcohol consumption and becomes dependant to alcohol to get them by in life.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Bradford can destroy someone's life in the blink of an eye. Whether they drink and drive, or become violent or angry, etc., the long term consequences of their drinking habits and behavior can be quite serious. Alcohol addiction can cause someone to lose their job, family and even their own life. This is why it is so important that someone who is addicted to alcohol gets the help they need as soon as possible.
Alcoholism Rehab Facilities in Bradford, VT. can be the answer that an individual who is addicted to alcohol has been looking for. It is very difficult and nearly impossible to beat any kind of addiction on one's own. Alcohol Rehabilitation Facilities provide the necessary support and care that an individual needs to have a lasting recovery.
For someone who has been abusing alcohol for a long period of time in Bradford, Vermont, the first stop would be an Alcohol Rehab/Detoxification Facility. Individuals who are long time users of alcohol develop a physical dependence to the drug over time. When they cease drinking, they experience withdrawal. An alcohol detox center or Alcoholism Treatment Center has experience in successfully getting individuals through withdrawal and alcohol detoxification and onto the next steps of treatment.
There are a number of treatment options available in Bradford, Vermont to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction and alcoholism. There are Long-term Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers, Outpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities, Short-term Alcoholism Rehabilitation Facilities, Inpatient Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers, support group meetings, alcoholism counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism don't have to destroy your hopes and dreams. There is help for individuals who want to make a change for the better. Contact a Bradford Alcohol Abuse Rehab Program today and find out which treatment options are best for you.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Bradford, Vermont
- Valley Vista Bradford, VT, 5033
- Merry Meadow Farm Bradford, VT, 5033
- Clara Martin Center Bradford, VT, 5033
- Bradford Farm House Bradford, VT, 5033
- Children Youth and Family Services Barre, VT, 5641
- Washington County MH Services Barre, VT, 5641
- Second Spring Williamstown, VT, 5679
- Spruce Mountain Inn Plainfield, VT, 5667
- Clara Martin Center Wilder, VT, 5088
- Central Vermont Barre, VT, 5641
- Contact Us
- It is important that we support alcohol research funding, as many aspects of alcohol's health effects still needs to be studied to see if there is a major detrimental or causative effect: some systems of the body that have not yet been studied include the immune system, breast cancer, throat/oral cancer, prostate cancer, sex hormone function, kidney function, gall bladder function, and arthritis.
- Health care costs attributed to alcohol abuse in 1995 were nearly twice those of drug abuse-related costs ($23 billion vs. $12 billion).
- Alcohol poisoning is a serious issue that happens when an individual consumes excessive amount of alcohol; at this point the alcohol gets absorbed into their body and has a direct impact on an individual's central nervous system.
- Many reputable studies indicate that individuals with an alcoholism problem that abstain from alcohol completely do get better in their cognitive function and memory; brain scans have indicated that in many instances, their brains can begin to return to normal over time.
- Bradford, VT. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Orange East Senior Center
176 Waits River Rd
Bradford, Vermont
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Thu., 8:00 PM
For more information, visit