  • Brattleboro CBOC
  • Brattleboro CBOC
    is located at 71 GSP Drive Brattleboro, VT. 5301 and can be contacted by calling 802-251-2200. Brattleboro CBOC offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Lesbian and Gay, Over 50, Hearing Impaired Clients
    Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • The ages of 19 to 24 are associated with the highest periods of heavy alcohol consumption during a person�''s life span.
  • Teens that consume alcohol are more likely than nondrinkers to smoke marijuana, use inhalants, or carry a weapon.
  • College binge drinking rates were 31 percent lower, 33 percent compared to 48 percent, in seven states that had four or more laws targeting high volume sales of alcohol as opposed to states that did not.
  • Consuming large quantities of alcohol over an extended period of time, especially when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver.

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