Treatment Centers by City
- Burlington
- Brattleboro
- Rutland
- Bennington
- Bradford
- South Burlington
- Montpelier
- Randolph
- Barre
- Bellows Falls
- Middlebury
- Morrisville
- Newport
- Springfield
- St. Albans
- St. Johnsbury
- Hartford
- Manchester Center
- White River Junction
- Wilder
- Castleton
- Cuttingsville
- Johnson
- Plainfield
- St. Albans Bay
- Underhill
- Wallingford
- West Burke
- Williamstown
- Worcester
- Spring Lake Ranch
- Spring Lake Ranch
is located at 1169 Spring Lake Road Cuttingsville, VT. 5738 and can be contacted by calling 802-492-3322. Spring Lake Ranch offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis, Lesbian and Gay, Court Appointed Client Services
Payment Options: Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Alcohol increases estrogen levels. Birth control pills or other medicine with estrogen increase intoxication.
- When drinking equal amounts alcohol, women have higher levels in their blood than men, and the immediate effects occur more quickly and last longer.
- Beverage alcohol contains ethyl alcohol (ethanol), a simple molecule consisting of two carbon atoms; because this molecule is so small, it can rapidly be penetrated into ever tissue of the body.
- According to most recent government statistics that are related to alcohol use in the United States, one in every thirteen adults in this country abuse alcohol or have developed an alcoholism problem.
For more information, visit